
Collection Constructor Interface

Table of contents

ConstructorCollection (interface)

Collection Constructor Interface


interface ConstructorCollection extends ConstructorCollectionInput {
   *Return An empty `Collection`
  empty(): Kind<F, any>
   *Return a `Collection` of length `n` with element `i` initialized with `f(i)`
  makeBy<A>(n: number, f: (i: number) => A): Kind<F, A>
   *Create an `Collection` containing a range of integers, including both endpoints
  makeByRange(start: number, end: number): Kind<F, number>
   *Create an `Collection` containing a value repeated the specified number of times
  makeByRepeat<A>(n: number, a: A): Kind<F, A>

Added in v0.2.0

ConstructorCollectionInput (interface)

Collection Constructor Input Interface


interface ConstructorCollectionInput {
  readonly URI: F
   *Create a new `Collection` containing the values of the provided Iterable.
  from: <A = never>(collection: Iterable<A>) => Kind<F, A>

Added in v0.2.0

initConstructor (function)

Added in v0.2.0