
Table of contents

Props (interface)

Unit Property

Unit Property is extends Orginal Property

The set a default unit when property’s value is number

Px Properties
Including properties: - backgroundSize - borderBottomWidth - borderLeftWidth - borderRadius - borderRightWidth, - borderTopWidth - borderWidth - bottom - fontSize - left - letterSpacing - margin - marginTop - marginBottom - marginLeft - marginRight - padding - paddingTop - paddingBottom - paddingLeft - paddingRight - right - top - flexBasis
```css width: 5; ``` equals ```css width: 5px; ```
Px or Percent Properties - The will used % when number value is in middle of 0 and 1 - Others used px
Including properties: - width - height - maxWidth - minWidth - maxHeight - minHeight
```css width: 0.5; ``` equals ```css width: 50%; ```
Ms Properties
Including properties: - transitionDuration - transitionDelay - animationDuration - animationDelay
```css transitiondelay: 500; ``` equals ```css transitiondelay: 500ms; ```


interface Props {}

Added in v0.2.0

BaseRule (type alias)

Base Rule is output that is origial css All Rule will final parse to the rule


export type BaseRule = _Rule<{}, {}, BaseProps, {}>

Added in v0.2.0

Rule (type alias)


export type Rule = ExtendRule<BaseRule, UnitNumberProps, {}>

Added in v0.2.0

rule (constant)


export const rule: Rule = ...

Added in v0.2.0

ruleModule (constant)


export const ruleModule: RuleModule<Rule> = ...

Added in v0.2.0