
Helper fro print code

Table of contents

CodeOption (interface)


interface CodeOption {
   *Get empty string with a indent unit
  indentMake?: (i: number) => string
   *Hard line
  line?: string

Added in v0.2.0

NodeGroup (interface)

The define a block node


interface NodeGroup {
   *Block begin content
  begin: string
   *children node content
  content: Array<string>
   *Block end content
  end: string
   *indent to root
  indent: number
   *content's split
  split?: string

Added in v0.2.0

formatCode (function)

The provide a helper about build block line item document. Block containers head and content and end Line mean a statement Item maen a statement and description


export const formatCode = ({
    indentMake = standIndent,
    line = '\n'
}: CodeOption) => ...

Added in v0.2.0